- Although I see the icons 1000 times a day, I have no clue what Delicious and StumbleUpon are, and I’m fairly confident nobody actually uses them.
- I don’t own a flat screen TV. If I ever watch TV (hardly ever), it’s usually on a 13 inch CRT.
- I have been known to put olives and french dressing on caesar salads.
- I have owned the same Android phone for over 2 years, and have built more apps than I’ve installed. There are very few apps I feel like I need.
- I have never owned any vehicle other than Nissan trucks.
- My dream car is a 1983 Datsun 280ZX. Well, besides a DeLorean of course.
- I got to level 25 in QBASIC Nibbles once. It was on a 386, but I still think it oughta count.
- This is the first time in my life I’ve ever had roommates. I have four of them.
- I have no clue how to change the oil in a car. Actually, I’m not sure I could identify much of anything under the hood of a car.
- Two rooms of my house are taken up by 22 arcade games and a pinball machine. They’re for looking at, not playing.
- I like Corona and Hawaiian shirts more than anyone ever should. Hey, I’m a Floridian.
- I don’t really play video games anymore. The last console I ever bought was a Nintendo 64.
- I’m not sure I remember how to write cursive or read an analog clock. I haven’t had to since third grade.
- I’ve used Windows since 3.1. I have skipped upgrading to the following: Windows ME, Windows Vista, and Windows 8.
- I’ve never used Netflix, Hulu, or Redbox in my life.
- Twitter is useless to me. I’m not sure I could tell you what I ate for lunch in under 140 characters.
- I’m a designer and I hate MacOS.
- I don’t own a DVD or Blu-Ray player, besides the ROM drives on my PC. I own 4 VCRs for some reason.
- I have twice as many LinkedIn friends as Facebook friends.
- I have never seen the following movies: Titanic, Avatar, The Lord of the Rings trilogy, Star Wars 1-3, Citizen Kane, Casablanca.
- In high school, I was pretty well-behaved. I had my first beer at 22.
- I recently considered buying a MacBook Pro. But I didn’t.
- I share the same birthday as Mark Zuckerberg (May 14th, 1984).
- I’ve been an eBay member since 04/25/1999.
- I’ve never seen a single episode of American Idol. The only way I learn their names, is when I ask people how that awful singer on the radio got signed.
- There were times in my life when I spent entire weekends drinking Mountain Dew Code Red and playing Goldeneye.
- I am mentally incapable of using a Dualshock to control a FPS. I think it’s to do with being left-handed.
- I don’t always wait for a pot to boil before dropping in the pasta. I’m convinced it makes no difference.
- I’ve been creating t-shirt art for clients nonstop since 2005.
- Sorry, but I didn’t like Inception. It dragged on too long, the plot holes were too large, and the backstory was lame.
- I’m still using a ball mouse, apparently. Not because I hate laser mice or anything, but because I haven’t needed to replace it.
- I don’t think Adobe Illustrator is a very intuitive program.
- I think Digimarc and Shazam are witchcraft.
- It’s really difficult to get me angry. Xcode manages to do it consistently though.
- I was a liberal in high school. In college, I had a libertarian polysci professor that changed my life.
- I’ve never seen an episode of Lost, 24, or House, but I have seen every episode of Twin Peaks.
- I like the Japanese pop band, Perfume. I have no idea why.
- My favorite movies are UHF, Spaceballs, and Gentlemen Broncos (look it up). I guess you could say I like lame comedies.
- I spent the night in my truck on Christmas Day last year. Long story.
- At some point last decade, I had every episode of The Simpsons downloaded nothing but KaZaA, Gnutella, Usenet, and IRC.
- Besides spam, I never delete email. My Thunderbird inbox goes back into the late ’90s.
- I’d rather have wires on my mouse and keyboard than spend money replacing batteries.
- I caught a fish with my bare hands once when I was little.
- I own a massive amount of vinyl. Not sure why, when there are 600gb of MP3s.
- I have an extensive collection of classic handheld consoles. And their official carrying cases.
- Most sentences I write are statistically likely to start with “I”. I wonder what Freud would think.
- I once read Fast Food Nation. It took 3 years for me to eat McDonald’s again.
- I’m not sure I could survive without Stack Overflow.
- I’ve been a lurker on FARK.com for 12 years, and never once posted or submitted anything there.
- On my IBM Thinkpad I’ve had since middle school, I’m on day 5,828 of my 30 day trial of Paint Shop Pro 4.
- I have never beaten the original Super Mario Bros. Got all the way to Bowser though.
- I wrote a couple of ASP Classic pages last year, for the first time in years. It was all the client’s server supported.
- Thanks to Trillian, I’m still running AIM, ICQ, YIM, and MSN messengers.
- I accidentally used mid-grade gasoline once.
- I never had a Myspace. I have had my Facebook account since 2005, back when it used to be cool.
- My favorite non-casual video games ever are Super Metroid, Ocarina of Time, Goldeneye 007, Half-Life 2, Metal Slug, and I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream.
- I’ve never once bought anything from Amazon.com.
- I am allergic to nothing, and never get sick. …Not entirely true, but basically.
- I’ve had the same eyeglasses since 2002. That would make them over 10 years old. Perhaps I should buy new ones.
- I hate computers.
60 things I’m ashamed to admit, and other unfascinating facts
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